
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Revenue & Capital Financial Monitoring Report - Quarter 1 2024/25 ref: 105826/09/202402/10/2024Call-in expired
New Homes Principles (Building Better Council Housing) ref: 105926/09/202402/10/2024Call-in expired
Supporting Authority Approval for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) currently being prepared by the Responsible Authority, ESCC ref: 106126/09/202402/10/2024Call-in expired
Community Wealth Building update ref: 106026/09/202402/10/2024Call-in expired
Portfolio progress and performance report quarter 1 - 2024-2025 ref: 105726/09/202402/09/2024Call-in expired
Stability and Growth Programme ref: 105618/09/202427/09/2024Call-in expired
Supporting Authority Approval for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) currently being prepared by the Responsible Authority, East Sussex County Council ref: 105318/09/202418/09/2024Not for call-in
Provisional Revenue & Capital Outturn 2024/25 - Quarter 1 ref: 105518/09/202418/09/2024Not for call-in
Corporate performance - quarter 1 - 2024/25 ref: 105418/09/202418/09/2024Not for call-in