ePetition details

Cease Production at FM CONWAY Asphalt Plant Due to Deadly Air Pollution and Lack of Effective Monitoring and Regulation

We the undersigned petition the council to call for the immediate cessation of production at the FM CONWAY asphalt plant due to its significant contribution to deadly air pollution and the alarming lack of effective monitoring and regulation. Detrimental Impacts of Poor Air Quality on Human Health - The air quality in our community has been severely compromised by the emissions from the FM CONWAY asphalt plant. Poor air quality is linked to a range of severe health issues, including respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis, cardiovascular problems, and even cancer. Children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions are particularly vulnerable. Prolonged exposure to polluted air can lead to chronic health conditions and, in extreme cases, can be fatal. We cannot afford to sacrifice the health and well-being of our community for the benefit of a single corporation. Three-Point Plan for Safe Resumption of Operations - We demand the immediate closure of the FM CONWAY asphalt plant.

Equal Accountability for All

If an individual were causing such harm to their neighbours, they would be held accountable and required to cease their harmful activities. FM CONWAY should not be exempt from this basic principle of accountability. The health of our community should not be compromised by corporate interests. We demand that FM CONWAY be held to the same standards as any other member of our community.

We urge all relevant authorities to take immediate action to address this critical issue. The health and safety of our residents depend on it.

By signing this petition, we stand together in demanding a safer, healthier environment for ourselves and future generations.

Started by: Sam Ford (PEN (Protect the People and Environment of Newhaven))

This ePetition ran from 24/06/2024 to 16/12/2024 and has now finished.

100 people signed this ePetition.