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Eastbourne Borough Council Licensing Committee
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Lewes District Council Audit Committee
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Lewes District Council Housing Working Group
Lewes District Council Housing Working Party
Lewes District Council Landport Bottom Management
Lewes District Council Lewes House Site Sub-Commit
Lewes District Council Licensing Committee
Lewes District Council Licensing Committee - (Re D
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee (De
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - (
Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - (
Lewes District Council Planning Applications Commi
Lewes District Council Policy and Performance Advi
Lewes District Council Post of Head of Democratic
Lewes District Council Post of Head of Housing Ser
Lewes District Council Post Office Closure Program
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Affordable Workspa
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Call-in Panel (Mar
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Committee (Replac
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel (2012)
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Affordable
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Call In (A
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Call in (S
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Call-in
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Call-in (2
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Clean and
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - How the Co
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Localised
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Provision
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Section 10
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Panel - Strengthen
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Review - Provision
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Transport Panel
Lewes District Council Scrutiny Transport Panel (d
Lewes District Council Southover Grange Sub-Commit
Lewes District Council Standards Committee
Lewes District Council Standards Committee (combin
Lewes District Council Standards Committee (NB Not
Lewes District Council Standards Panel
Lewes District Council Trustees of the Mountfield
Lewes District Council Trustees of the Stanley Tur
Lewes District Council Trustees of the Stanley Tur
zzz - upgrade Jan 2024
Disclosable Pecuniary Interest
Non Pecuniary
Non Prejudicial
Personal and Prejudicial
Agace, Councillor Lucy Agace
Alexander, Councillor Ian Alexander
Amy, Councillor Graham Amy
Ansell, Councillor Nick Ansell
Baah, Councillor Janet Baah
Ballard, Councillor Kathy Ballard
Bannister, Councillor Margaret Bannister
Belsey, Councillor Colin Belsey
Boniface, Councillor Lesley Boniface
Brett, Councillor Christine Brett
Bristow, Councillor Christina Bristow
Butcher, Councillor Daniel Butcher
Carr, Councillor Julie Carr
Clarkson, Councillor Ciarron Clarkson
Clay, Councillor Roy Clay
Clews, Councillor Graham Clews
Cohen, Councillor Ezra Cohen
Collier, Councillor Chris Collier
Collins, Councillor Andy Collins
Coupland, Councillor William Coupland
Davies, Councillor Paul Davies
Dehdashty, Councillor Ali Dehdashty
Denis, Councillor Johnny Denis
di Cara, Councillor Penny di Cara
Diplock, Councillor Peter Diplock
Ewbank, Councillor Christina Ewbank
Fabry, Councillor Nikki Fabry
Francomb, Councillor Becky Francomb
Gallagher, Councillor Cathy Gallagher
Gauntlett, Councillor Stephen Gauntlett
Goodyear, Councillor Nigel Goodyear
Hoareau, Councillor Freddie Hoareau
Holt, Councillor Stephen Holt
Honeyman, Councillor Olivia Honeyman
Keenan, Councillor Charlotte Keenan
Keene, Councillor Paul Keene
Kortalla-Bird, Councillor Nick Kortalla-Bird
Lamb, Councillor Jane Lamb
MacCleary, Councillor James MacCleary
MacLeod, Councillor Sean MacLeod
Makepeace, Councillor Imogen Makepeace
Maples, Councillor Wendy Maples
Maxted, Councillor Robin Maxted
Mayes, Councillor Anita Mayes
Meek, Councillor James Meek
Mellor, Councillor Paul Mellor
Morris, Councillor Amanda Morris
Morris, Councillor Sue Morris
Murray, Councillor Jim Murray
Nicholson, Councillor Zoe Nicholson
O'Brien, Councillor Emily O'Brien
O'Connor, Councillor Laurence O'Connor
Parker, Councillor Hugh Parker
Robinson, Councillor Christine Robinson
Rodohan, Councillor Pat Rodohan
Saunders, Councillor Joa Saunders
Sayers-Cooper, Councillor Teri Sayers-Cooper
Sharkey, Councillor Isobel Sharkey
Shore, Councillor Kshama Shore OBE
Shuttleworth, Councillor Alan Shuttleworth
Slater, Councillor Mark Slater
Small, Councillor David Small
Smart, Councillor Robert Smart
Spiteri, Councillor Stella Spiteri
Stewart-Roberts, Councillor Daniel Stewart-Robert
Swansborough, Councillor Colin Swansborough
Vacancy, Vacancy
Vaughan, Councillor Candy Vaughan
von Kurthy, Councillor Christoph von Kurthy
Williams, Councillor Jenny Williams
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period