Meeting documents

Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 9th April, 2008

Items In This Category

application/pdfAgenda - Scrutiny - 9 April 2008 (46KB)01/04/2008Download
application/pdfMinutes - Scrutiny - 9 April 2008 (99KB)20/11/2008Download
application/pdfReport 1 - Item 7 - Audit of Eastbourne Borough Council's Environmental Practices (135KB)01/04/2008Download
application/pdfReport 2 - Item 8 - Taxi Ranks - Location and Suitability Issues (104KB)01/04/2008Download
application/pdfReport 2 - Item 8a - Taxi Ranks - Suitability and Location Issues - Appendix 5 (40KB)01/04/2008Download
application/pdfReport 3 - Item 9 - Fisherman's Green Tennis / Basketball Courts and the Sovereign Skate Park (121KB)01/04/2008Download
application/pdfReport 4 - Item 10 - Performance Indicators 3rd Quarter 2007/08 (60KB)01/04/2008Download
application/pdfReport 4 - Item 10a - Performance Indicators 3rd Quarter 2007-2008 - Appendix (123KB)01/04/2008Download