Decision details

Council tax base and business rate income 2016/17 (KD).

Decision Maker: Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


The Council is required to set its council tax base and the expected business rate income for the forthcoming year. These calculations are used as the basis for the amount of income the Council will precept from the collection fund.


The council tax base is the estimated full year equivalent number of chargeable dwellings within the Borough.  This is expressed as the equivalent of band D dwellings with 2 or more liable adults.


(1) Provisional council tax base of 33,606.10 agreed for 2016/17.

(2) Provisional retained business rates income amount of £3.947m for 2016/17 agreed.

(3) Chief finance officer, in consultation with the lead cabinet member for finance, authorised to determine the final amounts for the council tax base and retained business rates income for 2016/17.


Publication date: 10/12/2015

Date of decision: 09/12/2015

Decided at meeting: 09/12/2015 - Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet

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