Decision details

Determination of Planning Application 190932 - Site 1 off Martinique Way, Martinique Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex

Decision Maker: Director of Regeneration and Planning

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


a)    To delegate to the Head of Planning to grant the variation of condition 4 of Reserved Matters (Ref:151056) following grant of outline planning permission (Ref: 131002) on completion of the works to the access.  The variation will include amendments  to the detailed design of dwelling houses; to omit canopies over beachside terraces, reconfiguration of beach side decked terraces, provision of railings and automatic gates on Martinique Way frontages including south of Plot 1, paving and shingle finishes to beach access footways in place of timber boarding, privacy screen between terraces amendments to plot 1 boundaries and arrangement of beach side public open space.


b)    If the works to the access are not completed within 3 months of the resolve to grant this permission then to refer back to Planning Committee with a recommendation to refuse permission.


c)    Condition 4 will be amended to include the revised drawings as set out in the report. The other conditions of the Reserved Matters consent will remain unchanged.


Reasons for the decision:

The Director of Regeneration and Planning.

1)    Agreed to exercise the urgency powers conveyed on him to determine this application.  


2)    Had fully considered the Chair’s representations on the application.

3)    Therefore agreed with the Officer’s recommendation and exercised his powers having considered the development plan and all material considerations.


Alternative options considered:

Link for further planning documents go on the planning portal ( Application number: 190932

Publication date: 09/04/2020

Date of decision: 27/03/2020

Accompanying Documents: