Decision details

Motion on Cost of Living.

Decision Maker: Lewes District Council Full Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Banks moved and Councillor Makepeace seconded the motion on the cost of living crisis, as set out on the agenda.


The motion was debated across the Council, and there were different views on how to tackle the crisis.  However, no formal amendment was put forward to the meeting


The motion was put to a vote and carried by 22 votes to 0, with 13 abstentions.




This Council:


1.    Recognises that more can be done and therefore declares a ‘Cost of Living Emergency’.


2.    It asks the Leader of the Council to write to Chancellor of the Exchequer to ask for Lewes District residents to get extra help and support by:


a)    Immediately reducing the standard rate of VAT from 20% to 17.5% for one year, saving the average family £600.


b)    Immediately restoring the Universal Credit supplement of £20 and doubling that uplift, which was cancelled by the Government in 2021; and reverses the cuts to Working Tax Credit.


c)    Note the imposition of the ‘Windfall Tax’ on the super profits of oil and gas companies but raise the concern that this needs to be directed at those on the lowest incomes.


d)    Extending free school meals to all families.


e)    Urging the introduction of a price cap for LPG and heating oil under OFGEN regulation while supporting alternative heating such as air source heat pumps. 


f)     Call on the Government to introduce a £25bn fund to enable Councils to insulate council homes and homeowner homes.


In addition, this Council will:


a)    Arrange a local Cost-of-Living Emergency Summit, with stakeholders, including Citizens Advice, Food Banks, Chambers of Commerce and Trade Unions and invite local MPs to attend this hybrid meeting.


b)    Develop a Food and Fuel Action Plan that clarifies and captures all actions tackling the Cost of Living of Crisis.


c)    Examine the potential for strengthening any technical advice on the use of renewable heating sources such as air source heat pumps instead of fossil fuels in advance of the Local Plan being developed.


d)    Request the Policy and Performance Advisory Committeeto review the support that the Council has available to support those in council tax arrears.



Publication date: 04/08/2022

Date of decision: 18/07/2022

Decided at meeting: 18/07/2022 - Lewes District Council Full Council

Accompanying Documents: