Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Planning Committee - Tuesday, 27th March, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Eastbourne

Contact: Local Democracy on 01323 410000 

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2018. pdf icon PDF 85 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 27 February 2018 were submitted and approved and the Chair was authorised to sign them as an accurate record.




Apologies for absence.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor Taylor.




Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct.


There were none.




Land to the rear of 1 Windermere Crescent. Application ID: 170903. pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Amended Proposal for development of 4no. Residential units to include 2no. 1bed houses and 2no. 1 bed flats with courtyard paving to the front and garden areas to the rear. No parking proposed – ST ANTHONYS.


Mr Baker addressed the committee in objection stating that scheme would be an overdevelopment of the site resulting in increased pressure on parking.  He also stated that there would be a risk of flooding to the site.


Councillor Tutt, Ward Councillor, addressed the committee in objection stating that the scheme was an overdevelopment, with a narrow access route which would exacerbate the flooding in the area.  He also stated that refuse collection would create issues with bin storage and placement on collection days.


Mr Smith, architect for the applicant, responded stating that the design was an efficient use of the space available and that plans had been amended to resolve issues  previously raised by the Environment and Highways agencies.


The committee was advised that a petition of 19 signatures had been received from local residents.  Revised drawings had been received highlighting the ground floor finished floor level in relation to the proposed flood level.


The committee discussed the application and agreed that the proposals were an overdevelopment, with a lack of parking and that refuse collection on site would cause issues for the surrounding neighbourhood.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that:


1) The proposed development by reason of its scale, mass and design would be is unsympathetic and detrimental to character and appearance of the site in particular and the wider area in general resulting in an unsympathetic form of development, detrimental to the visual appearance and wider range views of the site as well as giving rise to an overbearing and unneighbourly form of development contrary to Section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012, Policy D10a and B2 of the Core Strategy Local Plan 2013, and saved policies UHT1, UHT4,UHT16 and HO20 of the Borough Plan 2007.


2) By virtue of the narrow width and length of the access road there is a requirement for the refuse and recycling bins to be presented at the threshold of a main highway (Seaside and or Windermere Crescent). No bin enclosure/refuse presentation ion station  has been submitted with the application and in the absence of such information it is considered that the proposal may lead to indiscriminate and random storage of refuse/recycling equipment which may lead to visual clutter and highway and pedestrian safety issues. The proposal would be contrary to Policy D10a and B2 of the Core Strategy


3) It is accepted that the scheme promotes a car free development however in the Councils opinion given the location of the site and its distance from Eastbourne Town Centre (transport hub and other infrastructure) that there would be a propensity for the new owners to have own a car.  In the absence of any mitigating circumstances (car club etc) it is likely that the any  ...  view the full minutes text for item 118.


2 Clifford Avenue. Application ID: 180170. pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Raising of roof ridge height and two dormers and one roof light on the rear elevation – OLD TOWN.


The committee was advised that there had been a clerical error with regards to advising interested parties of the date of the meeting which had been listed as the 28 March 2018.  As a result, the committee was requested to defer the item to a future meeting to allow all interested parties to attend.


RESOLVED:  (Unanimous) That due to a clerical error with regard to the notification of meeting date, the application be deferred to a future meeting to allow all interested parties to attend.




146 Willingdon Road. Application ID: 180065. pdf icon PDF 81 KB


1no. 3bed dwelling with off-road parking and garage – RATTON.


Councillor Belsey, Ward Councillor, addressed the committee raising concern for the grassed area fronting Willingdon Road during the construction phase of the development and potential dangers during delivery of materials.


RESOLVED:  (By 7 votes to 1) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions:

1) Time for commencement

2) Approved drawings

3) External facing materials of the approved dwelling shall match the existing dwelling, prior to its erection details of boundary treatment between the rear gardens of the existing and proposed dwelling shall be submitted.

4) Existing boundary hedge to Rodmill Drive boundary shall be retained and protected during construction

5) Removal of permitted development rights regarding boundary treatment or other means of enclosure to the Rodmill Drive boundary

6) Removal of permitted development rights for extensions, enlargements, dormers, rooflights to the new dwelling, and outbuildings

7) Submission of construction management plan to include pre/post survey of highway verge and specification for making good any damage caused by construction. Also to include specification for widening the access across the highway verge with reference to maintaining the health of existing street trees.

8) Construction hours shall be between 0800 and 1800 Monday to Friday and 0800 and 1300 on Saturdays only unless otherwise agreed in writing pursuant to condition No 7 (above).

9) Windows to the northern elevation of the approved dwelling to be obscurely glazed and non- opening unless over 1.7m above floor level

10) Submission of surface water drainage scheme prior to commencement

11) Following completion submission of statement confirming suds scheme has been implemented.

12) Boundary sub division between plot




Eastbourne Pier. Application ID: 171394 (LBC), 171397, 171398 (LBC). pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Additional documents:


Eastbourne Pier, Grand Parade, Eastbourne – DEVONSHIRE.


Ms Gardener addressed the committee in support of the application stating that replacing buildings in the open space left by the fire in 2014 would ensure the economic viability of the site and that ongoing funding from the new buildings would ensure the ongoing care and maintenance of the pier.


Councillor Belsey addressed the committee stating his concern regarding the differing view of the Specialist Advisor for Conservation and that of the Conservation Area Advisory Group (CAAG). The official CAAG minute was reported to Members via the addendum report and verbally presented by the Senior Specialist Advisor for Planning.


The committee considered the application and largely supported the proposed new additions, they did express the desire for timber structures to match the original and maintain the Grade 2* status of the pier.


RESOLVED:171394 (LBC), 171397 and 171398 (LBC): (By 5 votes to 4 and on the Chair’s casting vote For: Councillors Coles, Choudhury, Miah and Murray.  Against: Councillors Jenkins, Metcalfe MBE, Murdoch and Robinson) That, subject to the satisfactory outcome of negotiations, the decision to grant permission, subject to a suite of appropriate conditions, be delegated to the Senior Specialist Advisor for Planning in consultation with the Chair.


The decision was made with reference to para 133 of the NPPF.




South Downs National Park Authority Planning Applications.


There were none.




Appeal Decision. pdf icon PDF 106 KB

191 Priory Road.


191 Priory Road.  The Inspector dismissed the appeal.