Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2023 PDF 149 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2023 were submitted and approved, and the Chair was authorised to sign them as a correct record.
Apologies for absence/declaration of substitute members Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillors Andy Collins, and Anita Mayes. Absence was noted from Councillor Jenny Williams.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Goodyear declared a prejudicial interest in item 9, Amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Guidance,as he was Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Trustee of the Eastbourne Blind Society and shared the same views as the speaker from the Society. He confirmed that he would leave the room for the discussion of the item. |
Questions by members of the public On matters not already included on the agenda and for which prior written notice has been given (total time allowed 15 minutes).
Additional documents: Minutes: There were none.
Urgent items of business The Chair to notify the Committee of any items of urgent business to be added to the agenda.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were none.
Right to address the meeting/order of business The Chair to report any requests received to address the Committee from a member of the public or from a Councillor in respect of an item listed below and to invite the Committee to consider taking such items at the commencement of the meeting.
One spokesperson is permitted to speak for 3 minutes and must register by 12noon on Friday, 1st December 2023. Email:
Note: Normally only one speaker is allowed to address the Committee on an item for three minutes and that one person should act as spokesperson for the group. No more than one speaker can be allowed except in exceptional circumstances with prior agreement of the Chair at the registration deadline.
Additional documents: Minutes: A request to speak had been received from Mr Mark Simmons of Eastbourne Blind Society on behalf of the Eastbourne Access Group regarding Agenda Item 9, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Guidance Consultation Results.
Approval of Licensing Fees 2024/2025 PDF 141 KB Report of the Director of Service Delivery Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Service Delivery which sought its recommendation to Full Council that the licensing fees set out in the appendix to the report be applied from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025.
The Regulatory Services Lead (RSL) presented the report highlighting the fees proposed for the year.
Members asked if the fee increases were set centrally. Officer advised that some licensing fees were set centrally and others licensing fees were set locally. In relation to the locally set fees Officers had been mindful of the effect of the increase on certain sectors and the proposed licensing fees had been set in consultation with colleagues in Finance.
Councillor Parker proposed a motion to agree the officer recommendations listed in the report. This was seconded by Councillor Sayers-Cooper.
Resolved (Unanimous) that the Licensing Committee:
1) That Full Council be recommended to approve the Licensing fees as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, to apply from 1 April 2024.
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Guidance Consultation Results PDF 238 KB Report of the Director of Service Delivery
Additional documents:
Minutes: Having declared a prejudicial Interest, Councillor Nigel Goodyear left the room during the discussion and voting on this item.
The Committee considered the report of the Director of Service Delivery to review the results of the six-week public consultation on the revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Guidance, to seek to agree the changes to be adopted on a date to be agreed on a date to be agreed with the Chair of the Licensing Committee and to review the Guidance every three years.
Appended to the report at Appendix 1 was the Eastbourne Borough Council Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Guidance and at Appendix 2, the summary of results in the Consultation Report.
The Regulatory Services Lead (RSL) presented the report, highlighting suggested changes to the Guidance and summarised the submissions received. It was reported that a consultation response had been received after the deadline which had been circulated to the Committee from the Wheelchair Transport Service (WTS).
Members were advised that an Equality and Fairness Analysis Impact Assessment had been circulated to the Committee as a background document and that due regard should be made to protected characteristics when making a decision.
Mr Mark Simmons, Chief Executive of Eastbourne Blind Society, spoke on behalf of the Eastbourne Access Group to state their opposition to the proposed removal of the requirement that all new Hackney Carriage vehicles should be wheelchair accessible and contended that was a need to improve the provision of accessible travel in Eastbourne.
Members’ questions included:
· Could a discount or incentive be provided to encourage drivers to purchase a WAV? The RSL stated were other community transport options available that did not have to be licenced. The consultation feedback had identified some disabled users were not aware of the community service. Officers confirmed that they would look broadly at methods to incentivise the number of WAVS in Eastbourne, to explore more eco-friendly vehicles and to review any Government financial schemes or grants. · How many WAVs were there and how many new drivers had applied within the last 3 or 4 years? RSL confirmed that since 2019, three new Hackney Carriage WAV’s had been licenced by Eastbourne Borough Council. · What does the routes section of the knowledge test imply? RSL explained the routes test was a topographical assessment that covered points of interest rather than learning the roads. This was not the same as a knowledge test.
Members discussed the importance of the disability legislation, and the need for WAVS to be available at all times. They felt there would be a decline in community groups providing WAVs if it was mandatory for taxis to be WAVs and that the community groups should be supported to ensure vehicles were available regularly at the right times.
The Committee discussed the results of the online public consultation (paragraph 4.3 of the Officers report) and resolved as follows:
Question 2 –Introduce a Private Hire-only Licence for new applicants.
Date of the next meeting To note that the next meeting of the Licensing Committee is scheduled to be held on Monday, 15 January 2024 at 6:00pm.
Any additional meetings of the Committee will be scheduled as and when required.
Additional documents: Minutes:
Any additional meetings of the Committee would be scheduled as and when required. |