Agenda item

41 Brampton Road. ID: 210324


Demolition of existing industrial units and erection of 7 industrial terraces (providing 31 B2/B8 units) with associated access, car parking and landscaping – HAMPDEN PARK


The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report.  The Committee was reminded that the application was brought back to the Planning Committee following deferral at the June meeting to address various concerns.


The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum of five additional objections that had been received from local residents and of the revised schedule of conditions submitted by East Sussex County Council, Highways.  It was noted that the numbering of the schedule of conditions listed in the Addendum was incorrect and was amended to 24 numbered conditions. The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) advised of an additional proposed condition, number 25, for Electric Vehicle Charging Points.


Mr Cos Polito (Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the application.  Councillor Babarinde OBE (Ward Councillor) spoke in objection.


Members discussed the proposal and expressed concerns regarding noise, traffic, overdevelopment and loss of parking. Members also welcomed the employment opportunities, provision of electric charging points, solar panels, cycling provision, proximity to railway station and bus stops.


The Committee sought clarification on various points: could the exterior colour of the unit be changed from grey to green, the potential to remove Unit G to provide more parking, was internal parking proposed, would full size trees be replaced, and had East Sussex County Council adjusted its algorithms to reflect changes in homeworking due to the pandemic.


The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) informed the Committee that they could not require a change in colour of the external envelope of the building to green without first consulting the applicant and that the views on this alteration may differ for neighbouring residents. The Transport Statement had been corrected due to a mis-calculation regarding the retained floor area and its use (which would be B8 rather than B2). The retained unit would generate a demand of 32 spaces (a total of between 173 to 179 for the entire site depending on the uptake of flexible uses), resulting in a parking shortfall of between 6 and 12 spaces, which was considered to be acceptable. 31 flexible internal parking spaces were also now proposed. The schedule of conditions in the Addendum included additional conditions: details of phased connection to the foul drainage; vehicular accesses, visibility splays; turning spaces and lighting scheme all prior to first use and condition regarding the required parking space dimensions. East Sussex County Council parking standards have not yet been updated to reflect home working arrangements resulting from the pandemic.  


Councillor Murray proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the Officers’ recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Murdoch and was carried. 


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) that:

1.  Planning permission be approved subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to include:

·         reconstruction and widening of the existing eastern access points including tactile paving at the junction with Brampton Road;

·         Removal of the existing western accesses onto Brampton Road with reinstatement of the footway and kerbing;

·         Construction of new access points serving the western site with tactile paving; £5000 TRO contribution; Directional signage;

·         Allocated parking bays;

·         Local Construction and Employment Training Plan, the revised schedule of conditions set out in the Addendum, addition condition re No.25, for Electric Vehicle Charging Points.


Supporting documents: