Agenda item

Application for a new Premises Licence at Glynde Station, Lacys Hill, Glynde


Those attending were introduced, and the Chair of the Licensing Sub Committee welcomed all parties to the Hearing. The procedure for the hearing was explained.


The Licensing Officer presented the Report to the Sub Committee, summarised the details and answered questions from Members.


Mr Peter Duffy, the applicant, supported by Mr Stewart Ward and Louise Salter, addressed the Sub Committee.


Mr Sadler, (objector and nearby resident) set out his concerns about the application.


Mr Duffy, as the applicant, Mr Ward and Ms Salter, as supporters of the applicant, had the opportunity to sum up and respond to the points raised.


The Sub Committee adjourned at 10:50am to consider the application and attendees were advised that they would receive the decision of the Licensing Sub Committee as soon as possible and within five working days.


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