Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


Chris Connelley, Specialist Advisor, Conservation, presented his report and

the Group considered each of the four applications in turn.


1) 220012 (PP) Park View Hotel, 6-8 Wilmington Gardens, Eastbourne

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Conversion of building comprising 6-7 Wilmington Gardens (currently 24 x C3 apartments) and 8Wilmington Gardens (C1 hotel) to provide total of 25 x 2 bed flats, including provision of a two- storey rear extension, front extension, formation of basement light wells, alterations to facade, fenestration, roof and provision of communal bin and cycle storage areas along with other associated works.   


CAAG comments: The Group welcomed this application, and agreed it positively rehabilitated the buildings and preserved the character of the conservation area. A number of points of detail were made in the meeting to enhance/improve the application (including; a pitched roof for the porch; addition of string-coursing to flat-fronted infill section; to restore rather than replace timber-frame windows at the front or heritage sash; and ‘splay’ back the rear balconies) and it was agreed that the specialist adviser, conservation should feed these back to the agent.


2) 220277 (PP) Pearl Court, Devonshire Place, Eastbourne

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Replacement of existing windows to all four stair wells with aluminium framed windows 


CAAG comments:The Group welcomed this application, which addressed a longstanding development need in a thoughtful and sensitive manner and preserved the character and appearance of the conservation area.


3) 220269 (PP) 10 Park Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 8AG

Cons Area: The Park Close

Proposal: Erection of a three- storey side extension, single-storey side and rear extensions with installation of rooflights    


CAAG comments:The Group felt that this application negatively challenged the character and appearance of the conservation area and invited the applicant to reconsider the design in order to produce something more sensitive to the borough’s only Article 4 setting. The Specialist Advisor, Conservation, confirmed he would share the Group’s concerns with the applicant’s agent, which included issues of style, scale and the application’s inadequate detailing.


4) 220285 (PP) 31-41 Congress Hotel, Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4JS

Cons Area: College

Proposal: Retention of outdoor seating area, pergola and serving area        


CAAG comments: The Group agreed that the style and high visibility of the structures detracted from the character and appearance of the conservation area setting, and that this structure should be removed.



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