Agenda item

Implementation for CCTV in Taxi and Private Hire Vehicles

Report of Director of Service Delivery



The Committee considered the report of the Director of Service Delivery regarding an implementation date for mandatory CCTV in Hackney and Private Hire vehicles.


Appended to the report at Appendix 1 was four company quotations, as requested by the Committee.


The Specialist Advisor – Licensing (SAL) presented the report.  The Committee was asked to agree an implementation date of 1st May 2023 for CCTV to be mandatory requirement in Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Vehicles.


Members’ questions included:


  • What was the reason for the CCTV implementation date of 1st May? Officers advised that public safety concerns that had been raised in relation to the night time economy in Eastbourne, so it was hoped to bring in CCTV requirement at an early date.
  • How many complaints had been received regarding taxi drivers in the last 6 months and what were the incidents?  Did Lewes experience similar concerns regarding public safety? Officers advised the data was not immediately available, but some cases were taken to the Licensing Sub-Committee and authorised officers were able to revoke a licence if necessary. The Council wanted to send a clear message to say complaints or concerns would be taken seriously and install confidence in the trade.  Local police had highlighted a particular issue with public safety during the night time in Eastbourne.  This did not apply in the same way in Lewes District.
  • Was it possible to align the implementation date for Eastbourne with Lewes to give more time for the Eastbourne trade?  Officers advised the decision in Lewes was taken at the Licensing Committee meeting in May 2021 for the installation deadline by 1 October 2023.  Eastbourne Licensing Committee had previously agreed that CCTV quotations should be reported to the Committee, prior to it agreeing the implementation date. The trade was aware of the matter, as it had been raised multiple times at the taxi forum meetings and through the consultation process.
  • Members raised concerns on the effect of costs incurred by vehicle owners and impacts on the cost of living.  Officers advised that the equipment could be leased and there was a tax relief option for the trade on the installation of CCTV.
  • Members raised concerns on the number of CCTV installations needed to meet the deadline.  Officers advised there was a choice of four installation companies to choose from and that some vehicles already had CCTV installed.
  • It was asked how many vehicles already had CCTV installed and how long would it take before Officers could inspect the vehicle?  Officers advised the data was not immediately available.  Liability would fall with the vehicle owner as it was a requirement of the Guidance. There were regular spot checks, operator inspections and vehicle suitability checks every 6 months. In the future, CCTV installation might form part of the vehicle suitability test.
  • Did the drivers know how to maintain the CCTV equipment? Officers advised it was in the Guidance and this was shared with the trade.
  • How did the Council become the data controller? Officers advised that once it was mandatory for the CCTV to be installed, then the Council would become the data controller.


Councillor Belsey proposed a motion to agree the officer recommendations listed in the report subject to the amendment of the implementation date for mandatory CCTV to be extended to 31 October 2023.  This was seconded by Councillor Babarinde. 


RESOLVED: by (9 votes to 1 against) that:

1)    The Licensing Committee agrees that an implantation date of 31 October 2023 for CCTV to be a mandatory requirement in Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Taxi vehicles.


(The Committee paused for a 3 minute comfort break during this item after the  Officer’s introduction of the report).

Supporting documents: