Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


Chris Connelley, Specialist Advisor, Conservation, gave a presentation of the proposals for each of the two applications that had been brought to the meeting. It was noted that a third application, listed in the agenda pack, had since been withdrawn.


The Group considered each application separately.


Flat 1, 3 Darley Road, Eastbourne -  ref:220827 (planning permission)

Proposal: Conversion of existing garage and retrospective application for infill of existing patio area      


CAG Comment:The Group was satisfied that the proposal preserved the character and appearance of the conservation area but suggested that consideration be given to enlarging the window, ideally to include a central mullion. They also asked that materials used for the new door and windows should match the existing arrangements at the property.



Downs Edge, Holywell Road, Eastbourne - ref: 220780 (Planning Permission)

Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension with internal alterations to allow accessibility requirements       


CAG comment:The Group welcomed the application and agreed that the proposal preserved the character and appearance of the conservation area. They were, however, keen that the new extension and annexe should have matching finishes rather than the mix of brick and render as currently suggested.  



Future applications

In response to a query about an application relating to the Winter Garden, Conservation Specialist Chris Connelley (CC) advised that, following comments from Historic England, an extension of time had been agreed to allow for a consideration of that input. It was expected that the proposal would be brought to a future CAG once that process had been concluded.


Supporting documents: