Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.
Chris Connelley, Specialist Advisor, Conservation, gave a presentation about the one application on the agenda, and the Group considered the application:
Pavilion Tea Rooms, Royal Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7AQ – Ref: 230529 (PP – Planning Permission)
Proposal: Restaurant refurbishment including a toilet block extension, roof replacements, window replacements, blocking up 2 rear window openings, reinstating rear double doors, patio alteration with new steps, ramps and signage.
CAG Comment: The Group welcomed the application, which they believe represented an enhancement of the character and appearance of the conservation area. The inventive use of fenestration, improved accessibility and the attempt to respect and honour the building’s original aesthetic, were commended.
Some concerns were expressed about the design for the balustrade, and the Specialist Adviser- Conservation was asked to liaise with the agent/ applicants on the detailing of this specific element.
The Group also requested that a condition be applied by planners to cover maintenance of the solar enhancement planting happens.
Supporting documents: