Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


Chris Connelley, Specialist Advisor, Conservation, presented his report and the Group considered the application.


Meads End, 1 Dukes Drive, Eastbourne, BN20 7XG – Ref: 230676 (PP – Planning Permission)


Proposal: Relocation of the front door, removal of old garage door wall and infill of boundary wall, windows to be lowered to match existing timber and UPVC windows to be replaced in white UPVC, alteration of existing back door to window, replace existing front door, installation of solar panels to roof, pebble dash exterior replaced with render, and removal of chimney stacks.


CAG comment:  The Group was broadly supportive of the application’s intentions, which will see residential accommodation upgraded at this school boarding house. The Group was especially pleased to see solar panels introduced at the school, and indeed, felt there was potential to extend this on other roof surfaces. However, the Group felt that, as an overall package, the application did not preserve the character of the area.


Concerns were expressed about the general lack of detail in the application and more specifically, on


1. The proposed removal of chimneys

2. The proposed wholesale replacement of timber windows with uPVC fenestration and loss of key features

3. The proposed replacement of pebbledash for smooth white render 


These proposals were seen as creating harm, and as detracting from the character and appearance of the conservation area. They were deemed particularly concerning given the prominent sea-facing location of the building and its identification as one making a positive contribution to the protected conservation area setting.


The Group invited the Conservation Officer to liaise with the agent/ owners of the building with a view to amending the application to take account of these views, with a focus on the most visually important and better preserved southern and eastern elevations.


Supporting documents: