Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


Chris Connelley, Conservation Specialist, introduced the report which contained two applications for planning permission, and the Group considered each application in turn.


Manor Garden Cottage, 25 Compton Place Road, Eastbourne BN20 8AB – Ref: 230811 (PP – Planning Permission)

Proposal: Proposed demolition and alterations including a two-storey extension to the north and west elevations, roof terrace and excavation to create a basement area.


CAG Comment:  The Group was unanimous in expressing serious concerns at the lack of detail for an application of this scale and size and were particularly concerned at the proposal for a 3- storey intervention as part of the proposed development. The applicant was invited to work with officers to generate a more sensitive and appropriate proposal that better respected the protected setting. The Group felt that the application did not preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area or respect the adjacent listing building.



10 Pevensey Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3HP – Ref: 240025 (PP – Planning Permission)


Proposal: Full height extension to side of 21 Susans Road (north-west elevation) with pitch roof, front facing windows and door to street; Excavation of front area of 10 Pevensey Road to form courtyard and stairway with decorative railings at ground floor level; reinstatement of lightwells along Susans Road. Development will result in net increase of 1 dwelling, 7 to 8.


CAG Comment:  The Group felt that the previously approved scheme was a superior design and expressed concerns about elements of the adapted approach. In particular, the loss of railings and deep light wells, changes of roof and window design, and the “over prominence” of the front extension to the infill on Susan’s Road. In consequence, the amended scheme only just preserved, rather than enhanced (as previously) the character and appearance of the conservation area and the Group requested that officers liaise with the applicant to share their concerns and encourage a re-consideration.

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