Agenda item

Energy efficiency and retrofit in protected settings

A short background briefing presentation by Conservation Officer, Alex Moojen.


Alex Moojen, Conservation Officer, gave a short briefing on the topic of encouraging energy efficiency and managing retrofit considerations for listed buildings and conservation areas. The report also noted the regular, public drop-in advice sessions currently run by Officers at The Beacon shopping centre and the status of a window audit across the conservation areas.


The presentation was followed by a short Q&A session.


Topics covered in the following discussion included, but not exclusively: placement of solar panels; recognition of changing times and evolving standpoints adopted by bodies such as Historic England and other councils towards ‘green’ issues within conversation areas; the options for window frames and glazing; managing the approach for giving advice and the importance of educating the public on the options; and clarity of rights occasioned by permitted development and single occupancy.


The Chair thanked Mr Moojen on behalf of the Group and it was agreed that a copy of the presentation’s ppt file would be shared with Group members.