Agenda item

Eastbourne Pier. Application ID: 150285.


Installation of rides and stalls upon the decking at the location of the former Blue Room at Eastbourne Pier for a temporary period of at least 18 months prior to redevelopment. (Amended description) – DEVONSHIRE.  One objection had been received.  Five further objections and two general observations were reported at the meeting and were summarised as follows:

·         Noise, disturbance, fumes, anti-social behaviour from the rides. If approved would encourage other similar operators to use the seafront.

·         No details of opening hours.

·         Additional traffic and parking along seafront which was already congested.

·         Why delay in reinstating blue room. The Pier must be reinstated to its original state at the end of 18 months.

·         Reinstatement of Pier not just for the benefit of local residents but for Eastbourne, Eastbourne's tourist industry as a whole and as a legacy to future generations.

·         Out of keeping with the character and appearance of the conservation area and listed buildings, detrimental to the character, integrity and historic interest of the Eastbourne Seafront.

·         Would be an eyesore similar to Brighton Pier.

·         Eastbourne is unique in not having such fairground rides on the pier and were totally inappropriate.

·         Can foresee a situation where proposal could be of a permanent nature.

·         Proposal requires flexibility as to change of rides etc. and there was therefore no guarantee as to what would be retained.

·         The rides were not consistent either with the aesthetic and architectural style of the pier.

·         Will have adverse economic impact on other similar businesses in the area such as Fort Fun.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.  The observations of the Specialist Advisors for Planning Policy and Conservation were summarised within the report.


At their meeting on 2 June 2015 the Conservation Area Advisory Group considered that the proposal’s impact on the character of the pier was not acceptable in principle, however would not object to a temporary period of six months. The Group raised serious concerns regarding the lack of detail in the applicant’s proposal and their long term plans. If permission was granted, the Group recommended that a planning condition be imposed that required the prior approval of each ride.


The committee was advised that Historic England raised no objection subject to the proposed conditions in the short term, whilst the reinstatement of the Blue Room was progressed.


Mrs Scoufarides addressed the committee in objection stating that the proposal was detrimental to the character and appearance of Eastbourne seafront.  There would be increased noise pollution, rubbish and traffic congestion.  Mrs Scoufarides also highlighted that the hours of operation had not been included in the application.


The committee raised concerns about the temporary nature of the application, the hours of operation, the type of amusements, the lack of control of the use of available space and the potential resulting restrictions for pedestrians.


The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) advised that a S.106 agreement could be sought to restrict operational hours and length of permission.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that the proposal fails to preserve or enhance the special historic interest, integrity and architectural merit of the Grade II* listed pier and its immediate setting within the historic seafront together with an adverse impact on the setting of surrounding listed buildings, to the detriment of this site in particular and surrounding area in general. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies UHT17 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2007, Policy D10 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy Local Plan 2013 and paragraphs 131 to 136 of the National Planning Policy Framework.




In the light of this decision and in accordance with paragraph 136 of the NPPF, the applicant is encouraged to take all reasonable steps to progress the reinstatement of the Blue Room building with a replacement building and should contact the Council without undue delay to facilitate the development.  



Should the applicant appeal the decision the appropriate course of action to be followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations.


Supporting documents: