Agenda item

Scrutiny Annual Programme 2015/16. 7.45pm - 8.15pm.

Report of Local Democracy Officer.  Members are requested to approve the Draft Annual Scrutiny Programme.  The final programme is due to be approved by Council on 18 November 2015. To Follow.



The committee considered the draft Annual Programme, with particular reference to the additional items listed under ‘Suggested Reviews’


Safe Walking and Safe Cycling Strategies – Members requested that four members of the committee be recommended for the consultation on the Safe Walking strategy.  The committee agreed that this request be communicated to East Sussex County Council at the earliest opportunity.


Safer Policing – The committee agreed the inclusion of this review as stated and requested that an invitation to attend the committee in December, be sent to the District Commander and Police Crime Commissioner advising of the intention to conduct a review (referred to above) and asking for a presentation on the rationale and priorities for the financial challenges that have been given to the police, outlining what sort/kind of police force is envisaged emerging from the new model, and finally, how this would impact on Policing in Eastbourne.


Towner – The committee agreed the inclusion of this review and requested that it follow the model of the Devonshire Park Review considered prior to this committee.  In addition, the committee requested that the Deputy Chief Executive and Towner Curator be invited as part of the preliminary presentations.  The Towner Annual report and supporting background information would be provided in advance.


Highways England / A27 a presentation on the progress of the A27 improvements east of Lewes -  The committee agreed the inclusion of this review.  Members agreed that an investigation into the current situation should be undertaken by Councillor Holt in conjunction with the Local Democracy Officer, the results of which would inform the invitation to Highways England and Rupert Clubb, Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.  It was likely that this item would be the subject of a special meeting in December 2015.  The committee reserved the right to conduct a formal review subject to the outcome of the presentation on this item.


RESOLVED: 1) That the Local Democracy Officer write to East Sussex County Council informing of the request to be involved as an active stakeholder in the upcoming consultation on the future ‘Safe Walking Strategy’.

2) That the Local Democracy Officer write to The Police Crime Commissioner, Sussex Police District Commander for Eastbourne advising of the intention to conduct a review (as detailed within the Annual Programme) and asking for a presentation on the rationale and priorities for the financial challenges that have been given to the police, outlining what sort/kind of police force is envisaged emerging from the new model, and finally, how this would impact on Policing in Eastbourne.

3) That the Towner Curator and Deputy Chief Executive be advised that the committee wish to review the performance of the current arrangements and future funding requirements of the Towner at the June 2016 meeting.

4)  That The Local Democracy Officer in conjunction with Councillor Holt, investigate the current situation regarding the improvements to the A27 east of Lewes, the results of which would inform the invitation to Highways England and Rupert Clubb, Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to a future meeting of the Scrutiny Committee.