Agenda item

Devonshire Park. Application ID: 150903 (PP) and 150904 (LBC).


Demolition of Congress Suite, Devonshire Park Halls, first floor offices at front, catering lift, bistro and kitchen, and north east portico at rear of Winter Garden. Construct 3 storey conference (Welcome) building linked to Congress and Winter Garden with a service ramp to rear. Internal refurbishment repairs to the Congress and Devonshire Park Theatres. Internal refurbishment repairs to Winter Garden and remodelling of its front entrance to include reintroduction of a double pitched roof. Redecoration of tennis pavilion and creation of new show court. Provision of new public realm to south to include access to the Welcome Building with landscaping – MEADS.


The buildings/plots within the Campus had an extensive planning history however it was considered that the recent applications promoting the refurbishment of the Congress Theatre were considered to be most relevant to the determination of this application.


The observations of the County Archaeologist, the Specialist Advisors for Arboriculture, Regeneration, Planning Policy and Conservation, East Sussex County Council Highways department, South East Regional Design Panel, Eastbourne Access Group, Historic England, 20th Century Society, Theatres Trust, Victorian Society, Eastbourne Society, County Ecologist, the ESCC SUDS and Eastbourne Hospitality Association were also summarised. Sussex Police, Eastbourne and District Chambers of Commerce and Environment Agency made no comment.


At its meeting on 6 October 2015 the Conservation Area Advisory Group expressed its full support for the scheme, however it acknowledged concerns raised by one the external advisors regarding the Welcome Building’s canopy, in that its siting, scale and design would compete with and potentially diminish the integrity of the Grade II* Congress Theatre. (Members noted that this minute was based on the scheme as originally submitted and not the recently received amended proposal).


The committee was advised of comments received from the Eastbourne Inclusion Group as follows:


The Group was pleased that the architects/planners had come back to them because it was important that any disability access, wherever it was, was right the first time round.  The effective dialogue with the group was very much appreciated.


·         Drop Off Zone Proposals: greater area for drop off adjacent to the Towner Gallery should meet the needs and demands of all users. The issue that the lifts serving all levels of the Congress were situated in the Welcome Building, and therefore there would still be a distance to travel once inside the Congress to get to the stalls. DIG did not consider this a problem as long as they did not need to travel out doors to the Welcome Building to gain access to the Congress. 


·         Accessible toilets: Greater number of accessible toilets and some with ‘Radar Keys’ should assist.


·         Parking bays: Larger more accessible bays in the right locations would benefit the scheme. DIG acknowledged that spaces behind the Towner and to the front of the Devonshire Park theatre were being remodelled. Disabled parking bays were well used and should be retained in future development options.


Mr Howell, Eastbourne Society, addressed the committee stating that he had concerns regarding the canopy in that in its current position it may diminish the importance of the Congress Theatre.  Mr Howell also raised concerns regarding the siting of the plant housing on the Compton Street side of the Winter Garden and requested that consideration be given to re-siting the housing.


Mr Godfrey, Chamber of Commerce, addressed the committee in support stating that Tourism and Conferencing was essential to the economy of Eastbourne as were the International Tennis events.  The Chamber of Commerce fully support the development of the site.


Mr Tidemarsh, Levitt Bernstein, addressed the committee in response stating that the canopy was integral to the design, and consultation with Historic England was ongoing regarding the siting of the columns.  The Welcome Building canopy identified the main entrance to the complex.


Mr Crook, Consultant Architect for Levitt Bernstein, addressed the committee stating that the side lift; staircase and plant room would be re-sited to the rear of the building away from the public realm.


RESOLVED (150903): (By 5 votes to 3) 1) That in the event that the

Legal Agreement requires changes/alterations from that which currently

accompanies the application then delegated authority be given to the

Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) in consultation with the Chair of

Planning Committee to agree these variations

2) Subject to there being a satisfactory legal agreement in place covering:

• Travel Plan Monitoring Fee

• Commitment to enter a S278 Agreement

• Engage with East Sussex County Council in relation to a Parking

Strategy (including real time bus information)

• Engage in the delivery of initiatives to create and foster local job


Then Planning and Listed Building Consent be issued with the following


1) Commencement within 3 years 2) Development in accordance with approved plans 3) Submission and approval of a Written Scheme of Investigation 4) Tree protection during works 5) Tree protection  (excavation/foundations/drains) 6) Tree planting scheme 7) Auditable arboricultural site monitoring system 8) Surface water drainage scheme & maintenance management plan 9) Biodiversity works in accordance with submitted survey 10) Details of hard and soft landscaping including street furniture, railings etc 11) Submission of a Traffic Management Scheme (size & route of works vehicles) 12) Provision of wheel washing facilities 13) Submission of construction details of the plaza and surrounding highway, surface water drainage, outfall disposal and street lighting 14) Provision of approved parking areas prior to occupation 15) Submission of details of cycle parking and provision prior to occupation 16) Hours of operation (building works) 17) Notwithstanding the details hereby approved further details shall be submitted for approval in consultation with the national amenity societies showing the roof of the Racquet Building the front to The Winter Gardens and the catering core to the Winter Gardens 18) Details & samples of external materials 19) Details & samples of mesh filled glass 20) Details & samples of internal fittings and finishes within the Congress 21) Details & samples of internal fittings and finishes within the Winter Gardens 22) Details & samples of elevational treatment and facing materials to the additions to the Winter Gardens 23) Details including large scale sections of decorative metalwork to the Winter Gardens 24) Details of the junctions between the Congress and Winter Garden links 25) Details of repairs/paint finish of the listed telephone box outside the Devonshire Park Theatre 26) Phasing of works & repairs 27) Methodology of repairs to all heritage assets 28) Methodology of making good 28) Details of new and repositioned signage on the buildings and within the plaza.


RESOLVED (150904): (Unanimous) That Listed Building consent be granted subject the conditions outlined above.

Supporting documents: