Agenda item

Woods Cottages. Application ID: 160150.


Outline planning application with all matters reserved for the demolition of two derelict cottages and construction of fifteen residential houses on 0.39 Ha land at Woods Cottages, Swanley Close, Langney Rise – LANGNEY.  Six letters of objection and one of support had been received.  


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.  The observations of the Specialist Advisor for Arboriculture, East Sussex County Council Highways and Ecology departments, Southern Water, the Environment Agency, Lead Local Flood Authority (East Sussex County Council SUDS) and County Archaeologist were also summarised.


Members noted that some of the application details suggested that the site could accommodate 15 3-4 bedroom dwelling houses; given the site constraints such as Tree Preservation Orders (TPO’s), access requirements for refuse and emergency vehicles and the parking requirements, officers did not agree with this capacity assessment. The layout submitted did not accommodate sufficient parking spaces and East Sussex County Council Highways department had stated that the site should not cause overspill in terms of parking onto the surrounding streets. Therefore sufficient parking had to be provided within the site for the number and type of units proposed. This was constrained by the location of TPO trees which would restrict the developable area.


For the sake of clarity all matters were reserved on this application and officers had assessed the development potential of the site to accommodate 15 dwellings at 1 – 2 bedrooms size.  The applicant should note that if at the reserved matter stage they promote larger dwellings then they would need to demonstrate that the site could be developed without adversely impacting on the TPO trees as well as complying with the requirements of East Sussex County Council Highways in terms of the number of parking spaces.


Ms St Clare addressed the committee in objection stating that the site had a very narrow access road and that any future development of the site would be detrimental to the residents if used as the main access route and would be dangerous the school children who walked through the site twice a day.  Ms St Clare also expressed concern regarding future access for emergency and construction vehicles.


Mr Jenden, agent for the applicant, addressed the committee in response stating that the site was in disrepair and the development would enable the site to be brought back to its original state.


RESOLVED: (By 6 votes to 1) That permission be refused on the grounds that the applicant had failed to demonstrate that the proposed 15 dwellings could be accommodated on the site with the required level of parking provision and suitable access and the development would likely lead to the loss of five trees which were protected by a Tree Preservation Order (86) contrary to saved policy T11, UHT4 an UHT5 of the Borough Plan 2007 and Policy B2 of the Core Strategy Local Plan 2013.



Should the applicant appeal the decision the appropriate course of action to be followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations.



Supporting documents: