Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration.

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


The Specialist Advisor (Conservation) and Specialist Advisor (Planning) reported on planning applications for consideration in Conservation Areas. The Group’s comments were set out in the schedule below.

1) 160376,21 Susans Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3EX     

Heritage Value: Town Centre and Seafront Conservation Area  

Proposal: Full height extension to North-west elevation and reinstatement of light wells with decorative railings, conversion of shop unit to residential and all associated internal alterations.

CAAG Comments: The Group was advised that this application had been withdrawn from the agenda.

2) 160401,Brooklands, 3 Denton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 7SS

Heritage Value: Meads Conservation Area

Proposal: Proposed erection of detached dwelling together with new vehicular access and crossover.

CAAG Comments: The Group raised no objections to the proposal in principle but raised concerns with the design, particularly the three storey front projecting bay on the front elevation. They considered that it was not in-keeping with the immediate locality and did not enhance or preserve the surrounding conservation area.

3)160425, 14 Lismore Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3AT

Heritage Value: Town Centre and Seafront Conservation Area

Proposal:  Conversion of offices to provide 6no. self-contained flats with single storey rear extension and replacement UPVC windows throughout the property.

CAAG Comments: The Group raised objections to the change of front windows with uPVC. They supported the retention of the traditional windows on the front elevation to maintain the heritage and character of the surrounding conservation area. The Group raised no objections to the replacement windows at the rear of the building, subject to details of the design being agreed with the applicant.

4) 160408, Congress Hotel, 31-41 Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4JS

Heritage Value: College Conservation Area

Proposal:  Alterations and extensions to roof of building to provide additional accommodation on fourth floor.

CAAG Comments: It was acknowledged that the applicant had taken on board the previous feedback at the pre-application stage from the Group by maintaining the front roof. The Group however were not supportive of the application in its current form, with a particular concern being raised regarding the raising of the side wings of the building and how this would affect the appearance of the building in relation to the views from Carlisle Road.

5) 160408, (Pre-Application), Congress Hotel, 31-41 Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4JS

Heritage Value: College Conservation Area

Proposal:  Alterations to accommodate enlarged restaurant and atrium to the rear.

CAAG Comments: The Group was advised that this application had been withdrawn from the agenda.

6) 160456, The Alexandra Hotel, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex

Heritage Value: Town Centre and Seafront Conservation Area

Proposal:  Proposed new staff accommodation with new apartment with a new mansard roof structure at fourth floor, habitable roof terrace, incorporating new railings & spiral stair, new entrance canopy & doors to main entrance, new cafe outlet fronting Carlisle Road & new windows serving a new conference suite at lower basement. Associated internal alterations.

CAAG Comments: The Group raised no objections and felt that the application would enhance the conservation area.

(NB: Mr Crook declared a personal interest in this application and remained in the room but did not take part in the discussion.)

7) 160475, Fitness Centre, Devonshire Park, College Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex,

Heritage Value: Area of High Townscape Value

Proposal:  Demolition of the existing Fitness Centre adjacent to College Road (incorporating former bandstand). Erection of a Tennis Players Village Building (666m2), Plant Room, PV Panels and Associated Hard & Soft Landscaping Works.

CAAG Comments: The Group were supportive of the scheme in principle however recommended that consideration be given to the possibility of salvaging parts of the historic fabric within the bandstand for future reinterpretation within the Devonshire Park complex. As the bandstand would be dismantled in advance of any development on the site, the Group felt it important to retain the historic fabric and heritage that was there.

Gary Tidmarsh addressed the Group to present the application and respond to questions.

By virtue of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman was of the opinion that the following recently received applications, which were not listed on the agenda, should be considered in order that the application might be referred to the Planning Committee at the earliest opportunity.


Proposal: Erection of new 500 sqm restaurant outlet on the former Wish Tower Café and sun lounge.

CAAG Comments: The Group were supportive of the scheme, subject to the development of a satisfactory outcome in terms of the relationship between the proposed restaurant building and the recently approved war memorial within the wish tower complex, and its wider setting.

The Group were advised that conversations between the applicants of both were taking place to address these concerns, particularly in relation to the war memorial’s viewing lens and maintaining a view of the sea.

Gary Tidmarsh addressed the Group to present the application and respond to questions.

9) 160534,  kiosk, 14 lower parade, eastbourne, east sussex

Proposal: The proposal is to build a 6m2 Sculptural Beach Hut, replacing the temporary kiosk (Beach Shop) and extend the existing deck below by 2m on the promenade at Royal Parade. The Beach Hut will form part of a series of 5 competition winning beach huts designs along the west side of the Eastbourne Pier as part of a cultural initiative by Eastbourne Homes and Eastbourne County Council.

CAAG Comments: The Group expressed their support for the concept and the principle of contemporary design within the conservation area. They advised that measures should be considered to ensure the longevity and appearance of the huts over a sustained period of time.


Proposal: New build concession stand beach hut. (class use A1).

CAAG Comments: The Group expressed their support for the concept and the principle of contemporary design within the conservation area. They advised that measures should be considered to ensure the longevity and appearance of the huts over a sustained period of time.


Proposal: Proposed traditional beach hut and jetty. Works will include the removal of the existing beach front railings.

CAAG Comments: The Group expressed their support for the concept and the principle of contemporary design within the conservation area. They advised that measures should be considered to ensure the longevity and appearance of the huts over a sustained period of time.


Proposal: The construction of a single storey beach hut to be used by the local community.

CAAG Comments: The Group expressed their support for the concept and the principle of contemporary design within the conservation area. They advised that measures should be considered to ensure the longevity and appearance of the huts over a sustained period of time.


Supporting documents: