Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration.

Senior Specialist Advisor to report on applications.


The Senior Specialist Advisor reported on planning applications for consideration in Conservation Areas. The Group’s comments were set out in the schedule below.


Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: New alley gate to replace existing gate in alleyway in North Street to include: three 150 x 150 steel posts, a 1M wide x 2.2M high pedestrian gate and a single vehicle swing gate 3M high and 2.2M high.

CAAG Comments: No objections raised.

2)  160409, (HHH), Woodend, 20 Park Close, Eastbourne, BN20 8AG

Cons Area: Park Close

Proposal:To replace existing single glazed steel windows with new thermally efficient, ultra slim profile, double glazed, powder coated aluminium windows in black. Window fitting to remain the same i.e fitted into existing wooden frames.

CAAG Comments: The Group raised no objections to the proposal in principle subject to clarification from the applicant over the design and specifications of the replacement windows and ensuring that it matched the existing design.

3) 160606, (HHH), Vailima Croft, 9c Granville Road, Eastbourne, BN20 7HE

Cons Area: College

Proposal:Proposed part single and part two storey extension.

CAAG Comments: The Group had no objections to an extension to the property however raised several concerns to the proposal. They requested that the proposed side door be upgraded to be more reflective of the existing door and that a parapet wall be installed at the front entrance to hide the pitched roof to the lobby. Concerns were raised around the quantity of roof pitches over the building.

4)  160623, (HHH), 1 Old Motcombe Mews, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1QF

Cons Area: Old Town

Proposal: Proposed 2 no. new windows with the replacement of all windows and internal alterations to include new staircase, internal doors, skirtings and stud walls (In conjunction with Listed Building Consent 160624).

CAAG Comments: No objections raised.

5)  160624, (LBC),  1 Old Motcombe Mews, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1QF

Cons Area: Old Town

Proposal: Proposed 2 no. new windows with the replacement of all windows and internal alterations to include new staircase, internal doors, skirtings and stud walls (In conjunction with Householder application 160623).

CAAG Comments: No objections raised.

6)  160688, (PPP) 7 Carew Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2AU

Cons Area: Upperton Gardens

Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and minor alterations to existing dwelling to facilitate the erection of a single storey granny annexe with pitched roof, linked to the main dwelling via shared entrance porch.

CAAG Comments: The Group accepted the proposal in principal however raised concerns regarding the proposal scale of the gable on the annexe compared to the gable on the existing dwelling.  It was requested that officers seeks clarification with the applicant over the drawings submitted and negotiate over the width of the front room to provide a better proportion.

7)  160690, 18-22 TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE, BN21 3LP

Proposal: Proposed conversion of top floor to provide a self-contained residential unit including the addition of 2 no. pitched roof dormers on the front elevation and 1 no. flat roof dormer to the rear.

CAAG Comments: The Group raised objections to the size of the proposed dormers on the front elevation as it would be disruptive and overbearing when considered in context of the area and neighbouring properties. The Group suggested that the applicant consider installing roof lights as was the case for other properties in the immediate vicinity. There were no objections to the roof dormer to the rear of the property.



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