Agenda item

Woods Cottages. Application ID: 160150.


Outline planning application with all matters reserved for the demolition of two derelict cottages and construction of ten residential dwellings at Woods Cottages, Swanley Close, Langney Rise – LANGNEY.


Members were advised that this application was deferred from Planning Committee on 19 July in order to allow time for officers to negotiate access to the development site from the north (Langney Shopping Centre) and once this had been secured a Planning Committee site visit would follow.


The applicant had confirmed that they were unable to secure access from the north and had reiterated that Swanley Close and the internal arrangements of the scheme (albeit in illustrative terms only) met recognised highway/layout standards.


The committee was advised the following additional comments from local residents had been received:


·         The proposal for yellow lines and removal of on street parking in the close would cause additional demand for parking

·         The road was not wide enough for further traffic

·         Parking on street at present made access difficult for vehicles, emergency services and refuse collection vehicles

·         Questions regarding the accuracy of the measurements on the plan were raised

·         The new properties would impact on privacy and result in overlooking

·         Bungalows would be more appropriate to the area

·         If both entrances were used then a property would become an island surrounded by entrances to the development

·         The width of road was not wide enough for large vehicles

·         It would be dangerous to increase traffic flow given children use the road for access to the local school

·         The pedestrian access showed no obstruction to prevent car access so it could become another vehicle access

·         The area was mostly bungalows so the development was out of keeping, and would be an overdevelopment.

·         There were concerns over the impact on the environment, overshadowing, privacy and loss of light to existing residents and the loss of protected trees

·         There were still too many dwellings proposed

·         The development would impact on traffic and flooding


Mr Woods addressed the committee in objection stating that he did not object to the development and the resulting regeneration of the area.  The main issue remained the narrow access to the site and the ensuing problems this would cause the residents of Swanley Close.


Mr Jenden, agent for the applicant, addressed the committee in response stating that the proposals were for outline permission and the applicant was more than willing to work with Officers to secure the protection of the local wildlife through appropriate conditions.  The refuse and emergency authorities had not raised concerns regarding the proposed access route.  An alternative access via Langney Shopping Centre was not possible.  Low impact construction equipment would be used to reduce the impact during the build process.


RESOLVED: (By 5 votes with 1 abstention)1) That no consent be issued until the agreement of the County Ecologist had been secured. 2) That a S106 agreement be signed to provide an ongoing maintenance regime of the ponds/ecological area and a financial contribution of £5000 for towards the provision of a Traffic Regulation Order. 3) That should the S106 agreement not be signed within a reasonable time period of 8 weeks from the date of the committee resolution (unless an extension of time has been agreed) the application should be refused on the grounds that there is no provision in place to ensure the future management/maintenance of the wooded/pond area which would result in a detrimental impact on the surrounding residential properties. 4) That outline planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Submission of reserved matters 2) That the submission of reserved matters for the layout of the scheme shall be accompanied by a tree report (prepared by a qualified Arboriculturalist) demonstrating that the proposed layout has been informed by the retention of the high amenity value trees on the site 3) Time for submission 4) SUDS condition regarding designing the surface water drainage system 5) SUDS prior to commencement ground investigations to establish infiltration rates and depth of groundwater 6) SUDS requirement for surface water management proposals to be supported by detailed hydraulic calculations 7) Submission of a maintenance and management plan for the entire drainage system 8) Submission of traffic management plan for construction 9) Submission of detailed drawings of proposed roads, surface water drainage and street lighting 10) Wheel washing 11) Submission of details of the layout of reconstructed access, visibility spays and swept path analysis 12) Provision of a turning space for vehicles 13) Submission of details in relation to parking areas 14) Submission of details of cycle parking 15) Submission of a transport report 16) Roads to be constructed at or at least close to adoptable standards.




·    The applicant be informed that this development is CIL liable.

·    EA Informative

·    SW Informative



Supporting documents: