Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration.

Specialist Advisor for Conservation to report on applications.


The Specialist Advisor for Conservation reported on planning applications for consideration in Conservation Areas.  The Group’s comments were set out in the schedule below.


1)  160998, (PPP), St Lucia, 75 Royal Parade, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 7AE

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Construction of 2 balconies at 1st floor level fronting Addingham Road.

CAAG Comments: No objections raised.

2) 161155, (PPP), Beach adjacent to bowling green in Royal Parde, Eastbourne, BN21 1HA

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Construction of 3 volley ball courts.

CAAG Comments: It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting, allowing time for a detailed heritage statement to be undertaken and submitted.

3) 161133, (LBC), Eastbourne Railway Station, Terminus Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3QJ

Cons Area: Upperton

Proposal: Refurbishment works at Eastbourne Station including the addition of a new entrance on the northern arcade of the building, extensions to the roof of the building over the new entrance, relocating stairs to the basement, opening up a historic entrance door into the station on Ashford Road and refurbishment works to the exterior station canopy.

CAAG Comments: Given the complexity of the scheme it was agreed that comments on this application be deferred until clarification be given on various details including the drop off, access points and location of the historic door on the Arndale Centre side of the station.  The Group also requested that a site visit be arranged in advance of the next meeting.

4) 161223, (PP), Moira House School, Upper Carlisle RoaD, Eastbourne, BN20 7TE

Cons Area: Meads

Proposal: Introduction of a perimeter fence to a recently constructed complex of 4 grass tennis courts. The fence will be chain-link in style with 4 access gates to the site.

CAAG Comments: No objections raised.

5) 161130, (PP), 13 Marine Lodge, Eastbourne, BN22 7AU

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal:Creation of a second floor with an additional flat and bicycle shed. 

CAAG Comments: No objections raised.


By virtue of Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman was of the opinion that the following recently received applications, which were not listed on the agenda, should be considered in order that the application might be referred to the Planning Committee at the earliest opportunity.


6)  161106 , 9 Meads Street, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 7QY: pre-application advice

Cons Area: Meads

Proposal: Replacement of existing shop front.

CAAG Comments: No objections were raised and the Group were pleased that the applicant had consulted with officers on recommended details including heritage paint colours.  The Group were advised that a shopfront guide was being formulated, encouraging new traders to operate to a higher standard.


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