Agenda item

Gardeners Books, 1 Whittle Drive. Application ID: 161393.


Proposed High-bay extension to the rear along with a two storey rear extension with a roof terrace on the first floor and a loading bay canopy – HAMPDEN PARK.


Members were advised that further archaeological investigative works had been carried out due to the potential sensitivity of the site. These works had been confirmed to the satisfaction of the ESCC Archaeology department that the works would be unlikely to affect any significant remains. However, the department still required the imposition of conditions as per their original recommendation to ensure that closing works and reports were provided in-line with those conditions.


RESOLVED (A): (Unanimous) That permission be granted subject to a legal agreement covering highway and local employment related issues and the following conditions: 1) Time 2) Drawings 3) Matching materials 4) Hours of demolition and construction 5) Construction/demolition method statement to be submitted 6) Traffic Management Scheme to be submitted 7) Construction access details and details of any temporary structures to be submitted 8) Flood risk assessment to be implemented prior to occupation 9) Surface water drainage strategy (detailed design to include hydraulic calculations and implementation timetable) 10) Ground water monitoring 11) Maintenance and management plan (drainage scheme) 12) Evidence - drainage scheme functional 13) Applicant to secure implementation of Archaeological works in line with an approved WSI (prior to commencement) 14) Development not to be used until WSI implemented 15) Details of foundations and piling (prior to commencement) 16) Soil levels within root spread shall not be changed (trees) 17) Revised landscaping plan, works to be carried out in accordance with approved plan and trees to be replaced if death occurs within 5 year 18) Existing trees to be retained unless shown on plan as removed 19) Travel plan to be updated 20) Cycle parking prior to occupation 21) Details of waste and refuse provision to be submitted 22) Amenity grassland to be a rich herb mix 23) Details of exterior lighting to be submitted


RESOLVED (B): (Unanimous) Should the S106 agreement not be signed within a reasonable time period (8 weeks from the date of the Committee resolution unless an extension of time has been agreed) the application should be refused on the grounds that there is no provision in place to ensure that the local labour initiatives and highway implications falling from the proposal can be delivered. This lack of key elements of infrastructure would be contrary to established development plan policies/procedures.




1)   The development hereby approved is subject to a Section 106 Agreement between the applicant and Eastbourne Borough Council for local labour contributions

2)   The development hereby approved is subject to a Section 106 Agreement between the applicant and the Local Highway Authority due to requirements for a financial contribution towards the costs of implementing Real Time Passenger Information

3)   The applicant is advised to discuss the matter further with Southern Water, Sparrowgrove House, Sparrowgrove, Otterbourne, Hampshire SO21 2SW (Tel: 0330 303 0119) or

4)   The site is capable of supporting breeding birds. The applicant should therefore refer to legislation pertaining to the protection of breeding birds before commencing any works.

5)   Any works affecting the existing ditch system will require an application for land drainage consent, if not already sought, under Section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991 to ESCC in their capacity as LLFA.

6)   Future maintenance of the watercourses should be fully addressed by the applicant.



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