Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


1) 170787, (LBC) PISCES HOUSE, 3 Cornfield Terrace,

Eastbourne, BN21 4NN

errace, Eastbourne, , BN21 4NN



Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Conversion of commercial use property (A1) to single dwelling house (C3). Full PP also applied for under 170786


CAAG Comments:

The Group welcomed the application as a very positive development which was to be applauded, in principle, but requested officers approach the applicant to request they consider undertaking a complete reinstatement of the facade  at ground level, to include the reintroduction of railings.



Cons Area: Meads (Not Listed).

Proposal: Single storey extension to front of property


CAAG Comments:

The Group discussed this design, sought clarification on the size of the development, and in conservation terms felt that it had a neutral impact on the character and appearance of the Meads Conservation Area.


Mr Kevin Langley, Architect, addressed the Group and responded to questions.


3) 170879, (LBC),  Chantry House, 22 UPPERTON ROAD, BN21 1BF

Cons Area: n/a

Proposal:  Change of Use from B1 office storage in association with Chantry House to C3 Residential and the redevelopment of the site to provide one 2 bedroom house and one 1 bedroom house with gardens. (Planning Permission under reference 170878)


CAAG Comments:

The Group agreed that the proposal would enhance the Conservation Area, bringing the building back into use and applauded the ‘canny’ use of a tight space.


Ms Catherine Prenton, Architect, addressed the Group and responded to questions.

4) 170875, (PP), Congress Hotel, 31-41 Carlisle Road, BN21 4JS

Cons Area: College

Proposal: The cladding of 21 piers and existing steps with marble tiles to the front of the premises. (retrospective)


CAAG Comments:

The Group agreed that the proposal was out of the keeping with the local street scene and requested the tiles be removed and the steps an pillars restored to their original state.

5) 170849, (Pre-application advice), 8 Chiswick Place, BN21 4NH

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Demolition of brick built garage, movement of the rear garden boundary to enlarge the development plot and erection of 2 storey 2 bed dwelling with garden and off street parking


CAAG Comments:

The Group felt that that the new proposal addressed concerns expressed at a previous meeting, and believe that the scale, form and more modest design now submitted aligns much better with the surrounding street scene.

6) 170725, (PP), 21 Susans Road and 10 Pevensey Road, BN21 3EX

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal:Full height extension to side of Susans Road elevation (North-west elevation) with false pitch roof and front facing windows and door to street, infilled shop window on Susans Road elevation to be replaced with door to street and window, two roof lights to rear, reinstatement of light wells with associated lower ground floor door and window configurations and decorative railings to be installed along Susans Road and Pevensey Road frontages. Conversion of shop unit to residential with all associated internal alterations and removal of shopfront on Pevensey Road elevation to provide bay window. Development will result in net increase of two dwellings (6 to 8)


CAAG Comments:

The Group felt that the proposal would enhance the surrounding Conservation Area.


Mr Mark Perkins, Architect, addressed the Group and responded to questions.





Supporting documents: