Agenda item

Report of Development Manager on Applications - Report 06


1)EB/2013/0268 - The Drive Pub, 153 Victoria Drive - Fascia signs – OLD TOWN.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Highways department were detailed within the report.


Members queried the illumination levels, their impact on the adjacent highway and the comparison with the lighting in the Co-Op opposite the site.  Members also requested a site visit.


The committee felt it important to highlight that they had not given permission to the exit sign towards the zebra crossing on Victoria Drive and that the responsibility for ensuring the safety of visitors would be held by the owner of the building.


(NB: Councillor Coles withdrew from the room whilst this application was considered)


RESOLVED: (By 4 votes to 1 with 2 abstentions) That the decision on this application be deferred to a future meeting pending further information regarding illumination levels and comparisons with neighbouring sites.


2) EB/2013/0123 – (LIDL) 520 Seaside, Eastbourne - Single storey front extension - ST ANTHONYS.  12 representations had been received.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Highways department were detailed within the report.  The highways department had requested an additional condition added to any subsequent permission, which had been detailed within the report.


Mr Vokes addressed the committee in objection stating that neighbouring residents had experienced considerable impact as a result of LIDL customers parking outside of their properties.


Mr Clugstone, addressed the committee on behalf of the applicant stating that a parking comparison had been completed with other LIDL stores of comparable size the results of which showed that the proposed 65 spaces was sufficient.  Mr Clugstone stated that LIDL’s allowed non-customers to use their site which eased parking issues for the surrounding area.  Mr Clugstone also stated that LIDL were prepared to accept the additional condition proposed by the Highway Authority.


The Committee discussed the application and advised that neighbouring residents should contact their County Councillor regarding Highways issues in the first instance as the road referred to was not the responsibility of LIDL.


RESOLVED:  (Unanimous) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Time Limit 2) Matching materials 3) Plan No.s 4) Within 3 months of the proposed extension opening, parking surveys will be carried out following discussion with the Highway Authority, to determine if a Car Park Management System needs to be implemented.  This decision will be made by Eastbourne Borough Council in consultation with the Highway Authority and if deemed necessary the Car Park Management System strategy will be agreed by the same


3) EB/2013/0136 - 24 Vine Square, Eastbourne - Erection of 3 Aviaries on Side/Rear Elevation – DEVONSHIRE.  One letter of objection had been received.


The observations of Environmental Health were detailed within the report.


(NB: Councillor Hearn withdrew from the room whilst this application was considered)


RESOLVED: (By 4 votes with 3 abstentions) That permission be granted, subject to the following conditions: 1) Restricted use (non-commercial) 2) Within two months of no longer being used as an aviary, the structure should be removed.


4) EB/2013/0230 - 13 Prideaux Road - Proposed change of use of number 13 Prideaux Road from use class C3(a) to C2, including a single storey extension at the side and rear, along with a first floor glazed link extension in order to extend the existing Palm Court Nursing Home at Number 15-19 Prideaux Road – UPPERTON.  Neighbourhood representations were detailed within the report.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Environment Agency, Planning Policy Manager and Downland, Trees and Woodland Manager were detailed within the report.


Mr Lucas addressed the committee in objection stating that the parking provision would be inadequate, the extension would be an overdevelopment resulting in a loss of privacy and finally there would be a considerable environmental impact due to noise and pollution etc.


Mr Durghee, applicant, addressed the committee in response stating that 17 and 19 Prideaux Road had been redeveloped some 30years ago and required updating to modern standards which the new conversion and extension would achieve.  Mr Durghee stated that he had discussed the application with Mr Lucas and understood that they had reached a compromise.  Mr Durghee stated that he would ensure that there would be a minimal impact on neighbouring properties during construction should permission be granted.


The committee discussed the application and noted that parking issues only arose during school start and finish times.


(NB: Councillors Liddiard, Miah and Taylor withdrew from the room whilst this application was considered)


RESOLVED:  (By 3 votes to 1 with 1 abstention) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Time Limit 2) Tree Protection 3) Restriction of bonfires – trees 4) Foundation details – trees 5) Soil Levels – trees 6) Location details of site office and access – trees 7) Restriction of no. of residents to 61 8) Plan Nos.


5) EB/2013/0014 - Silverdale Garages, 33 Silverdale Road - Provision of a 5-6 bedroom single private dwelling with garage, staff quarters, swimming pool and roof-top garden – MEADS. The original submission attracted 23 objections, which were summarised in the report.  Following amendments to the scheme (once the architect had established that the access was not in the ownership of the applicant) to remove the gates from the plans and improve the turning radius into the garage, neighbours were re-notified.   Three objections were received and detailed within the report.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Conservation Officer, Planning Policy and Highway Authority were detailed within the report.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Commencement within three years 2) Approved plan reference numbers 3) Hours of operation 4) Details of drainage  ++ 5) Details of refuse storage  ++ 6) Details of glazing  ++ 7) Obscure glazing in south elevation 8) Protection of boundary walls during construction  ++ 9) No windows/openings in outside walls/roof slopes


NB: ++ Pre commencement conditions


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