Agenda item

Corporate Performance Q3 2017/18


The Committee considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive regarding Quarter 3 2017/18 performance against the Corporate Plan priority actions, performance indicators and targets.


Members noted the following amendment to page 25 of the report regarding Sickness Absence:


During Quarter 3 the number of long term absences (4 weeks or more) increased significantly.  The reasons for those long term absences were varied and included bereavement, heart attack and recovery post -surgery. There were some absences due to stress and those staff were being appropriately supported (those included personal stress, stress resulting from a physical health condition and one relating to Phase 2 of the Joint Transformation Programme).


During December 2017 the Council’s short term absences had also increased with reports of viral infections, vomiting and diarrhoea.


Members’ discussion included:

·       A request that the sub-heading ‘Value’ in the performance tables be amended to ‘Actual’ to avoid confusion.

  • A continued interest concerning whether there was any correlation between stress related sickness absence and the Joint Transformation Programme.
  • A request for more information regarding the Hotel of Excellence, including who the viability study was being conducted by and which stakeholders had been consulted.
  • A request for more information regarding the progress of the Victoria Mansions, Eastbourne.
  • A request for more information regarding the role of the Health and Housing Coordinator, and the work that was being done in the community to improve the working relationship between health and housing.
  • A request for an up-to-date organigram. Members requested confirmation of who the Joint Transformation Programme Manager was.
  • A call for the Devolved Ward Budgets to be symbolled for effective monitoring.
  • An interest in closely monitoring the recycling and fly tipping indicators, so that the effect of the new garden waste charge could be monitored.


Officers responded that:

·       The sub-heading ‘Value’ was automatically assigned from the Performance Management System. However, the Head of Business Planning & Performance would explore if that could be amended for future meetings.

  • The Committee was assured that currently there was no evidence of significant stress related absence. The Human Resources department continually analysed whether there were any trends or concerns with regard to reasons for absence. Members were also assured that there was a robust sickness absence procedure which gave employees the opportunity to discuss any concerns they had, and also encouraged managers to explore any underlying concerns.
  • The Head of Business Planning & Performance would circulate more information regarding the Hotel of Excellence in due course.
  • The amber status of the Victoria Mansions was due to the Council dealing with immediate remedial works that had become necessary; this work had slightly delayed the progress of the project.
  • Questions regarding Health and Housing were noted, and a relevant officer would be requested to prepare a presentation for the Committee at its next meeting on 4 June 2018 to provide members with more information.
  • An organigram with the roles currently filled would be provided to Members in due course. Members were informed that not all roles had been filled and that there was currently an external recruitment drive. With regard to the Joint Transformation Programme Manager, members were informed that this was Lee Banner, and he had been appointed in October.
  • With regard to Devolved Ward Budgets, members were empowered within wards to spend as they deemed necessary, and as each Ward would encounter various challenges at different times, the implementation of symbols to monitor and compare how much was being spent was considered inappropriate.



(1)  That members note the achievements and progress against Corporate Plan priorities for 2017/18;

(2)  That more information regarding the performance of the recycling service be incorporated as part of the Corporate Performance Report in 2018/19; and

(3)  That the Health and Housing Coordinator be requested to prepare a presentation for the committee at its next meeting on 4 June 2018.



To demonstrate the discharge of the Scrutiny Committee function to monitor all aspects of performance management activities as required by Part 3 section 2.2 (7) of the Constitution of the Council.



Supporting documents: