Agenda item

Eastbourne Community Safety Plan.

Report of Senior Head of Community.


Members considered the report of the Senior Head of Community regarding the current performance of the Eastbourne Community Partnership (CSP) under the updated Eastbourne Community Safety Plan outlining issues that may potentially impact future crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) performance.


Cabinet had previously endorsed the successful Crime Reduction performance of the Partnership.  In 2005/2006 Eastbourne was subject to around 11,000 crimes.  For the performance year 2010/2011 this had dropped to approximately 7,500 crimes.  For the current rolling year up to the end of June 2013, this had reduced to around 6000 crimes, a further reduction of 9% compared with the same period last year.


The current Plan had been developed in consultation with key partners including the Police and other members of the CSP.  Version 1.3 was available as Appendix A.  It had been modelled on a countywide endorsed layout, with a focus on what could realistically be achieved within current resource constraints and reflects some priorities of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).


Members noted that although the Plan was for a three year period, performance targets were reviewed at the end of each performance year.  Key performance targets had been incorporated into the relevant sections of Eastbourne Borough Council’s Corporate Plan.


Members noted the performance of year 2012/2013 compared with the baseline performance year 2011/2012. 


The committee were advised that Eastbourne over the last few years had seen a substantial reduction in crime and despite the recession crime was down further in 2012/2013 with further reduction this year so far.  Paragraph 3.1 of the report showed clearly all five targets met and this reduction pattern was again evident so far this year.  Shoplifting had fallen again to 2011 figures but it was essential to continue to remain focused.  Reductions in criminal damage and public place violent crime were of note especially in view of the major percentage reductions the year before, 25.3% and 25.2% respectively.


Overall police recorded anti-social behaviour was down from 5682 to 4732; a reduction of 950 incidents, or 16.7%.


The CSP’s Strategy Group, having agreed the updated Plan and its priorities had matched the priorities with the reduced area based grant funding, smoothed out over a two year period to £43k per annum.  This excluded the continued Basic Command Unit funding of approximately £60k for this year, utilised mainly by the District Police in direct support of the Plan’s objectives.


Overall crime had substantially reduced since 2005/2006 performance year.  Notable crime reductions had again been achieved in the performance year 2012/2013 and crime performance was again positive within measured criteria of the refreshed plan in the current performance year to date.


Central Government cut-backs coupled with the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners may have an adverse impact on local CSP funding from next performance year 2014/2015.


Further potential countywide changes as a result of a newly ‘elected PCC’ above had been mitigated by a continued local focus in addition to adding value in developing initiatives, including Neighbourhood Management.


Members discussed the reduction in funding and were advised that the Partnership Co-ordinator would be meeting the Police Crime Commissioner regarding funding for Eastbourne on 17 September 2013.


Members noted that the relationship between Neighbourhood Management, Communities and Councillors was an essential part of the success of the Community Safety Partnership, which took a holistic view of reducing crime in Eastbourne.  The Partnership highlighted that whilst recorded crime was being reduced in Eastbourne a great deal of internet fraud and forgery was still unreported and on the increase.


Councillors were urged to make use of the Joint Action Group and to apply for funding for local initiatives, which had given great value for previously approved schemes.


Councillors Warner and Shuttleworth asked to be included in the subsequent press release which would be produced for the Cabinet meeting on 4 September 2013.


Scrutiny was requested to note the continued Crime Reduction performance, endorse the updated 2011/2014 Community Safety Plan and continue the delegated authority to the Senior Head of Community to implement actions set out.




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