Issue - decisions

Corporate Assets Update

10/11/2022 - Property and Asset Management Update

(Key decision):


(1) To note the progress of the Newhaven waste and recycling depot development plans and the focus on re-utilising the existing site at Robinson Road, subject to a detailed business case to follow in the future.


(2) To delegate authority to take all necessary steps to conclude lease arrangements with Boutique Modern at 9/10 Avis Way, Newhaven in line with the key terms outlined in section 2 of the exempt Appendix, subject to such variations that may be agreed in the course of negotiations.


(3) To delegate authority to take all necessary steps to conclude a 30-year lease with Ringmer Parish Council at Fingerpost Field, Ringmer.


(4) To delegate authority to take all necessary steps to conclude leases at the Marine Workshops, Newhaven fora period of longer than 10 years and at an annual rental of more than £25,000.


(5) For Cabinet to recommend to Full Council:


• the grant of a 25- year lease to Lewes Sports Club for the Clubhouse at the Stanley Turner Ground on existing lease terms, subject to such variations that may be agreed in the course of negotiations; and


• the grant of a 25-year lease to Lewes Priory Cricket Club at the Stanley Turner Ground on terms to be finalised.


For this purpose, the Council will be sitting in its capacity as the sole charitable trustee of the Stanley Turner Recreation Ground (charity no 305275).


(6) Notwithstanding the fact that it is not a corporate asset of the Council, to approve the capital budget allocation set out in section 6 of the exempt Appendix and delegate authority to take all necessary steps to undertake remedial action in respect of the retaining wall in New Road & Castle Rise – Lewes.


(7) The delegated authority referred to in paragraphs (2),(3), (4) and (6) are delegations to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Assets and the Chief Finance Officer. The delegations include authorisation to carry out all necessary steps including financing, negotiation and determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all necessary documentation.


(8) In respect of the proposed grant of a lease to Boutique Modern and the leases at the Marine Workshops, Cabinet waives compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in the event that the agreed rent exceeds £25,000 per annum, for the reasons set out in this report.