Issue - decisions

Council Budget - finance matters including performance monitoring and treasury management

05/02/2015 - Corporate performance - Quarter 3 2014/15.

(1) Performance against national and local performance indicators and actions from the 2010/15 corporate plan (2014 refresh) agreed.

(2) General fund, housing revenue account and collection fund financial performance for the quarter ended December 2014, as set out in sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 of report agreed.

(3) Transfer to and from reserves as set out in appendix 3 to th report approved.

(4) Amended capital programme as set out in appendix 4 to report approved.

(5) Treasury management performance as set out in section 7 of report agreed.


12/12/2014 - Corporate performance - Quarter 2 2014/15

(1) Performance,general fund,  housing revenue account and collection fund financial performance for quarter ended September 2014 agreed.

(2) Any nationally agreed pay award to be applied across all staff in the organisation in paragraph 3.4 of report.

(3) Virements and transfer to and from reserves in appendix 3 to report approved.

(4) Amended capital programme in appendix 4 to report agreed.

(5) Treasury management performance in section 7 of report agreed.

15/05/2014 - Corporate Performance - Quarter 4 2013/14.

Performance and finance monitoring, transfers to and from reserves approved and provisional balances on non-earmarked revenue reserves agreed.