Issue - decisions

Finance update - performance quarter 4 - 2017-2018

04/07/2018 - Finance update - performance quarter 4 - 2017-2018

(Key decision):

(1) To agree the financial position on the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Collection Fund accounts for 2017/2018.

(2) To confirms the allocation of reserves at 31 March 2018 shown at paragraph 2.9 of the report.

(3) To agree the capital programme outturn for 2017/2018, as set out at appendix 2 to the report.

(4) To approve the updated 2018/2019 capital programme, as set out at appendix 3 to the report.

(5) To approve the write-off of irrecoverable debts noted in paragraph 4.5 of the report.

Recommended to Council (Budget and policy framework):

(6) To approve the annual treasury management report for 2017/2018, as set out at appendix 4 to the report.