Issue - decisions

Environmental initiatives

13/09/2018 - Environmental initiatives

(Key decision):


(1) To authorise the Strategy & Partnership Lead, Quality Environment, to conduct a desk-based feasibility study for the potential of free drinking water provision within council-owned parks and in other public places within Eastbourne borough, working with partners and stakeholders.


(2) To agree to support the national ‘Refill’ campaign through social media and as appropriate.


(3) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Place Services, to bid for funding, supported by an appropriate business case, to invest in electric vehicle (EV) charging technology and infrastructure, working with partners and other local authorities.


(4) To authorise the Strategy & Partnership Lead, Quality Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet member for Place Services to prepare a Sustainability Policy to provide a framework for council activities for consideration and approval at Cabinet later in the year.


(5) To note the launch and progress to date of the ‘Single-Use Plastics’ project.