Issue - decisions

Scrutiny Review of Affordable Workspace and Support for the Creative Sector

18/09/2019 - Affordable workspace review

(Key decision):


(1) To allocate £10,000 to explore the feasibility of Meanwhile Use Leases for the temporary use of Council assets, subject to statutory, legislative and building constraints.


(2) To formally adopt the South East Creative Economy Network’s (SECEN) approach to defining affordable workspace.


(3) To commit to exploring the potential to facilitate the development of new, affordable ‘open workspace within Lewes District.


(4) To note that the Council’s Regeneration service continues to work closely with Locate East Sussex and other partner agencies to ensure they continue to collaborate effectively with South East Creative Cultural and Digital Support (SECCADS) and the creative sector.


(5) That Cabinet adopts a position statement formalising the Council’s commitment to supporting the growth of creative industries.


(6) To commit all services across the Council to raising awareness of available business support provision across Lewes District.