Issue details

Lewes Local Plan - Towards a Spatial Strategy and Policies Approaches

The Council is preparing its new local plan for the district area that is outside of the South Downs National Park. We carried out an ‘Issues and Options’ stage consultation in 2021. Progress on the development of the local plan is now at a stage where the emerging spatial strategy and policy approaches would benefit from public consultation ahead of a draft plan and subsequent submission being made to the planning inspectorate as set out in the Local Development Scheme (December 2022)


Consultation is to run for 10 weeks from end of November 2023 through to February 2024,


The decision being sought is for Cabinet approval to undertake public consultation on the Local Plan as part of the preparation of the Lewes Local Plan as per Planning legislation and Regulations.

Decision type: Policy framework

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/10/2023

Decision due: 9 Nov 2023 by Lewes District Council Cabinet

Decision due: 20 Nov 2023 by Lewes District Council Full Council

Lead member: Councillor Laurence O'Connor, Cabinet member

Lead director: Director of Regeneration and Planning

Department: Regeneration and Planning

Contact: Nadeem Din, Planning Policy - Lead Email:

Consultation process

Policy and Performance Advisory Committee

Making Representations: None

Agenda items


  • Report