Issue details

Housing update

An update report on the potential impact of new housing legislation (the Welfare Reform and Work Bill and the Housing and Planning Bill currently before parliament) and actions required in response, e.g. changes to tenancy agreements.


The report will also deal with outcome of the East Sussex County Council’s expected decision to withdraw Supporting People funding from sheltered housing in East Sussex.  If funding was withdrawn, this was likely to come into effect from May 2016. 

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Deleted

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/02/2016

Department: Service Delivery

Consultation process

Eastbourne Homes Ltd was consulting with residents on the impact of withdrawal of Supporting People funding and tenant meetings would be held at all schemes during February 2016.  Further details will be given in the report.



Agenda items


  • Report