Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Planning Committee - Tuesday, 29th October, 2013 6.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Eastbourne

Contact: Katie Armstrong on 01323 415023  Email:

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2013. pdf icon PDF 102 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2013 were submitted and approved and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as a correct record.



Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct (please see note at end of agenda).


Councillor Hearn declared an interest in items 6 and 7, 25a Belmore Road and Coventry Court, 437 Seaside respectively, as a Director of Eastbourne Homes and withdrew from the room whilst this item was considered.


Councillor Taylor declared a prejudicial interest in item 8, PR Autos, Downs Garage, 44-48 East Dean Road as the owner of a rest home within Eastbourne.  Councillor Taylor also stated that he was an acquaintance of both the applicant and objector, and withdrew from the room whilst this item was considered.


Councillor Liddiard considered that having previously reached a view in relation to item 10, Land East of Kings Drive as he had pre-determined this application. He therefore withdrew from the room whilst the application was considered.




25a Belmore Road. Application ID. 120905 pdf icon PDF 33 KB


120905  EB/2012/0319 - 25a Belmore Road - Demolition of building – DEVONSHIRE.  One general comment relating to the application had been receieved and was detailed within the report.


NB: Councillor Hearn withdrew from the room whilst this item was considered.


RESOLVED:  (By 5 votes to 1 with 1 abstention) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Method statement (to include nature of demolition, equipment to be used, recycling streams and access / transport routes for demolition vehicles) 2) Wheel Washing Facilities 3) Site/welfare compound 4) Hours of demolition



Coventry Court, 437 Seaside. Application ID. 120906 pdf icon PDF 36 KB


120906  EB/2012/0319 - Coventry Court, 437 Seaside - Demolition of building – DEVONSHIRE.  Two comments were received in support of the principle, but raising the concerns regarding demolition.


The observations of the Arboriculturalist and Environmental Health were summarized within the report.


NB: Councillor Hearn withdrew from the room whilst this item was considered.


RESOLVED: (By 5 votes to 1 with 1 abstention) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Method statement (to include nature of demolition, equipment to be used, recycling streams and access / transport routes for demolition vehicles) 2) Wheel Washing Facilities 3) Site/welfare compound 4) Hours of demolition



P R Autos, Downs Garage, 44-48 East Dean Road. Application ID. 130397 pdf icon PDF 79 KB


130397 (OSR) - P R Autos, Downs Garage, 44-48 East Dean Road - Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 3 storey 47 bedroomed home for the elderly – OLD TOWN.  15 objections had been received.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Planning Policy Manager, Cleansing, Highways Dept, Downland, Trees and Woodland Manager, Economic Development, Environmental Health, Estate Manager, Southern Water and South East Water were summarised within the report.


Mr Whatley, local resident, addressed the committee in objection stating that the height of the proposed building would be intrusive, and would result in residents of the proposed care home having eyeline views into his property.  Mr Whatley also stated that many people from outside Eastbournewould be unaware of the entrance/exit and it would therefore become a traffic hazard.


Mr Coffey, Planning Consultant for the applicant, addressed the committee in reposnse stating that the principle of the change of use was acceptable and that the proposal had been designed to take into consideration when planning height levels throughout the site.  The windows would be at a 45 degree angle from existing properties to avoid overlooking.


NB: Councillor Taylor withdrew from the room whilst this item was considered.


RESOLVED:  (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that 1) the proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of its inappropriate siting, excessive footprint, height and massing which fails to adequately address the difference in ground levels and proximity between the application site and the rear of houses along the south west side of Longlands Road where it would result in a visually dominating and overbearing structure in relation to these houses. As such, it is considered that the proposal would be contrary to Policies UHT1 and UHT4 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy. 2) By virtue of the inappropriate siting, excessive footprint, height and massing, it is considered that the proposed development would result in an unacceptable loss of sunlight in the early evening and overshadowing to rear windows and gardens of houses on the south west side of Longlands Road. As such, it is considered that the proposal would be contrary to Policy H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy. 3) The proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of its inappropriate positioning of windows at first and second floor level to the north east corner of the building which would directly overlook the rear gardens and  habitable rooms of houses along the south west side of Longlands Road. As such, it is considered that the proposal would result in an unacceptable loss of privacy to these houses, adversely affecting the amenities of the residential occupiers, contrary to Policy H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy.  4) The positioning of parking spaces adjacent to the north east boundary to the rear of nos. 5 and 7  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.


Unit C, Glennys Estate, 158 Latimer Road. Application ID. 130547 pdf icon PDF 47 KB


130467 (PPP) - Unit C, Glennys Estate, 158 Latimer Road - Change of use from B1 (Business) to D2 (Leisure) – DEVONSHIRE.   Seven objections had been received.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Local Highway Manager, Planning Policy Manager and Environmental Health were summarised within the report.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that: 1) the proposed change of use to a D2 exercise training facility is considered unacceptable by virtue of the failure to submit any sufficient marketing evidence to demonstrate that the existing B1/B8 business unit is no longer viable or suitable and, therefore, genuine redundancy cannot be accepted. As such, it is considered that the proposal is contrary to Policies BI1 and BI4 of the Eastbourne Local Plan, Policy D2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy and the Genuine Redundancy of Business Premises SPG.2) The proposed use, suitability of the building and its location and opening hours are not considered appropriate given the residential nature of the surrounding area and is likely to adversely affect surrounding residential amenity from noise and disturbance from music and exercise classes. As such, it is considered that the proposal is contrary to Policy H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy. 3) The proposed change of use is considered to be unacceptable by virtue of the lack of sufficient on-site parking facilities for customers and staff which would significantly add to increased on-street parking demand and congestion on the public highway, to the detriment of local residents, particularly in the early evening hours. As such, it is considered that the proposal is contrary to Policies TR11 and H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy.


Appeal: Should the applicant appeal the decision the appropriate followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations.




Land East Of Kings Drive, Kings Drive. Application ID. 130468 pdf icon PDF 77 KB


130468 (RMT) - Land East Of Kings Drive, Kings Drive - Application for approval of reserved matters (Details of the appearance and scale of buildings and landscaping of the site) following outline approval. EB/2010/0003- Outline Planning Permission for 119 new Dwellings) – RATTON.  20 objections had been received.  A letter of objection from Stephen Lloyd, MP was read at the meeting, a response from the agent also provided.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of theDownland, Trees and Woodland Manager, Housing Services Manager, Local Highway Manager, County Archaeologist and Natural England were summarised within the report.


Bespoke Cycle Group had made an objection to the application on the grounds that the plans did not show a cycle route through the development and therefore did not fulfil the Eastbourne Cycling Strategy.


East Sussex County Council were currently assessing an application for highway works to Kings Drive in relation to the development which included a pelican crossing and bus stop improvements in line with the previous outline permission for the development of the site.


Members discussed the application and felt that the applicant had not listened to their previous requests regarding the ‘softening’ of the apartment blocks.  The committee expressed the wish to work with the applicants further to ensure a high quality landmark  design in light of the prominent location of the site.  Members declined to consider the revised plans presented for consideration and requested that Officers should negotiate with the applicant to secure improved designs for the development via a new application.


Members re-affirmed their decision of 1st October to refuse permission for the reserved matters application based on the originally submitted plans.


NB: Councillor Liddiard withdrew from the room whilst the item was considered.


RESOLVED A : (By 6 votes to 1) That the consideration of the revised plans presented be declined 2) That Officers be requested to negotiate with the applicant to secure improved designs for the development via a new application.

RESOLVED B:(By 5 votes with 2 abstentions) That the applicants be advised that the committee re-affirmed their decision of 1st October 2013 to refuse permission for the reserved matters application based on the originally submitted plans.





2 Priory Road. Application ID 130492 pdf icon PDF 66 KB


130492 - 2 Priory Road - Conversion of existing bungalow and erection of two storey extension over the existing bungalow and single storey extension to the rear of the existing bungalow to create 2 one-bedroom flats and 2 two-bedroom flats – ST ANTHONYS.  Six letters of objection had been received.

The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.

The observations of
Archaeological Services, Strategic Housing, Planning Policy and Highways were summarized within the report.

RESOLVED: (By 7 votes to 1) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Time limit 2) Materials to be submitted 3) Foul and surface water details to be submitted 4) Position of new access 5) Visibility splays 6) Car parking prior to occupation in accordance with approved layout 7) Car park details to be supplied incorporating details to prevent surface water running onto the footway 8) Cycle storage prior to occupation in accordance with approved layout 9) Construction times 10) In accordance with approved plans 11)Prior to the development commencing a scheme for hard and soft landscaping shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details as submitted shall show a low level means of enclosure and or low level planting (under 600mm in height) adjacent to the  parking area facing Priory Road; this means of enclosure shall be implemented at the site prior to the first occupation of any of the residential units hereby commencing and be retained as such thereafter.



Summerdown Sports Field, Compton Drive. Application ID 130557 (PPP) pdf icon PDF 53 KB


130557 (PPP) - Summerdown Sports Field, Compton Drive - Erection of timber sports pavilion and dugout shelter. New sportscourts with perimeter fencing – OLD TOWN.  11 objections had been received.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.

The observations of the Arboricultural Officer were summarised within the report.


NB: Councillor Jenkins was not present for the introduction of this item and therefore did not take part in making the final decision on this application.


RESOLVED:  (Unanimous) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Standard Time Condition 2) Development in accordance with approved plans 3) Retention of hedge fronting Compton Drive 4) Fence to be permanently coloured green 5) Submission of samples of finish of timber stain and felt shingles 6) Submission of details of position and foundations of dugout, and protection of root plate during construction 7) No floodlighting of any fashion shall be permitted to be used anywhere at the site in relation to the development hereby approved.



South Downs National Park Authority Planning Applications.

Verbal report.


None reported.